Beaufort SC to Charleston


1450 RPM= Dolphin speed!

Beaufort SC (Lady's Island Marina) to Charleston (Tolers Cove Marina)

Yes, the tug is named "Lil Chit"

 We received a call about our dear friend John, who has suffered a health issue.  We are trying to find out whatever information we can, and since he lives alone we feel helpless being so far away.  This situation, like last year when Gordon moved to Texas when we were away, just makes us want to get home more quickly.  Sadly, we really cannot speed up the trip any more than we already have planned, so we will have to do what we can from here.

As if this isn't dangerous enough
He Is Using a Chain Saw!

Does look like he has done this before

Today was warm, humid and cloudy.  The trip was pretty uneventful, we are able to proceed with our engine coolant issue as long as we control our speed/rpm's and the traveling conditions were not bad.  Hardly any other boats on the water.  I am really thankful we are able to proceed.  We did not leave until 10:00 because we had to time the tide because of two or three shallow spots, One was the Ashepoo Coosaw cut and the other was the Watt's cut.  There were times on the Ashepoo cut when we only had 2.5' under us, and this was with a rising tide, at least midway in the cycle.  This makes you understand how much difference the tide makes on the ICW in certain places.

Still far enough south for some color

We arrived at Toler's Cover Marina, just north of Charleston Harbor about 3:30.  We had to refuel (that is not fun anymore).  Sandy rinsed the boat, I walked Parker and we are having a calm night just having dinner on the boat.  By 6:30 the dockhands will have left and basically we will be the only ones on the dock as this is a sportfishing type of marina in a fairly small gated residential community, not many transients.

Gray start to the day,
headed to Georgetown today

Tomorrow we head to Georgetown, SC, a bit shorter trip than today.  


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