Charleston SC to Pawley's Island SC


Heritage Plantation

on the Waccamaw River

Beautiful Afternoon

March 12, 2021

We left the dock at 7:30 AM.  We have about 5-6 hour trip to Pawley's Island, Heritage Plantation.  This is another community based marina and the dockmaster is very concerned that we know where we are going and where we will be located.  He has sent us detailed directions with pictures indicating all information and requests confirmation that we have received everything.  This is not so typical!

looks like fun on a warm day, what about alligators?


time for last walk of night  

left very early and we arrived at the marina at 11:45.  The marina is in the river, there are three piers running parallel to the river, there is a wave attenuating wall on the outside dock and a no wake zone but no one obeys it.  It can get bumpy here, I imagine it would be much more so if it was "the season".  Jay, the dockmaster, was a good guy but liked to impart a lot of personal information.  Interesting and very quiet stop.  Sandy was able to complete our trip routes for the rest of the trip.

This marina is just north of Georgetown SC where we stayed for a few days on the way down.  We liked the other marina then but wanted to go a little bit further so we are trying something new - again.  Once we got here so early we realized we could have continued another 20 miles and stopped at Osprey Marina, we would not have moved at all.  Live and Learn!


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