April 29 2019 Orientation and Delivery

 We took delivery of "Wynnewood" in Portland Maine after commissioning by Jason Brunet and his team at DiMillos. After several days of orientation we were ready to take her to her new home.  We were accompanied by our friends Teri Ohliger and Joe Villa, as well as Bradley Peer who was our broker. Rosemary drove home in the car and met us at Indian River Marina in Delaware.

Joe and Rosemary listen to Jason describing load management

We were fortunate to have beautiful weather for May 1 and left at first light.

Ram Island Light House, Casco Bay
                                           Leaving Portland
Whales at Stellwagen Bank

My brother in law David met us at the Sandwich Marina at the North end of the Cape Cod canal when we stopped for fuel around 11:00 since he was in the area.  We spent the night at Paynes on Block Island where they accommodated us even though they were not yet open for the season.
Teri greeting a local on Block Island

We left early the next morning, not too early as we let the fog burn off a little.  Long day ahead as we planned to stop in Cape May.  It is always amazing how quickly Long Island Sound gives way to New York.  

We entered the Manasquan Inlet and fueled up at Hoffmans.  It was a quick turn around since it was already 2:30 and we were headed to Cape May.
                                           Headed out Manasquan Inlet

We made it to Cape May around 6:30.  We had a great dinner at The Lobster House and awoke the next morning to thick fog.

                                                   Heading in to Cape May

We had a short run past the mouth of the Delaware Bay and down the Coast to Indian River.  We became very familiar with the radar as the visibility closed in.

fogy run across the shipping lanes

We made it to the Marina by 10.  Great first voyage bringing home our new boat.  

                                             Hugh, Teri and Joe

Good opportunity to start the blog with the maiden voyage.  

The intent of the blog is to keep family and friends current with our travels.  I will add an abbreviated version of our other big trips that we made in the last two seasons.

We will be leaving the end of October 2020 for our first trip down the ICW bound for Key West in February.  Stay tuned, should be interesting.


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