Myrtle Beach to Southport


Dredges were working at both Shallotte 
and Lockwood's Folly Inlets

Myrtle Beach Yacht Club to St James Marina (Southport, NC)

There are two very difficult inlets to navigate by today.  One is the Shalotte Inlet and the other is Lockwoods Folly Inlet.  Both of these inlets tend to shoal very badly and can be very challenging,  in order to better our outcome, we left at 1:30 in the afternoon to take advantage of a rising tide.  It is very nice that Myrtle Beach Yacht Club had no problem with us leaving that late.  Like hotels, you actually have a suggested time to leave which is 11:00 AM, but they understood our problem and were very gracious.  

Sandy navigated them nicely, aided by the almost high tides.  Still challenging though, since both inlets had dredging equipment in them, occupying some of the available space.  I think these inlets are constantly being dredged, so notorious they are!  Anyway, it took us more than three hours to get to our destination, we arrived at 4:45.  They close at 5.  We were happy that we got there in time to pay since we are planning on leaving early and am not sure they would be in yet.

We are having spaghetti and meatballs tonight for dinner.  There is no restaurant here and we have to start eating all the food we have in the freezer.  Tomorrow we move North to Hampstead, NC.


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