Charleston to Georgetown SC


Dolphins in the wake

Charleston (Toler's Cove) to Georgetown (Harbor Walk Marina)

We had a lot of rain overnight but was very light by the morning.  We left the dock at 9, right after Erin, the dock hand arrived.  All of the trip blurs after awhile, and Rosemary had forgotten how much of this trip was by docks, so that means idle speed, and we had a lot of low water.  We are fortunate this time (so far) that the tide is about the middle of the day so we timed our departure to maximize the tide in the shallow spots.  It is a good thing we did, even so, there were a few times we only had 2' of water under the boat.

Ever hear the one about two guys peeing off a bridge?
"Damn this water is cold."   "Deep Too."

Custom paint job on propane tank

It was very overcast, but hardly raining.  We ran the generator so we could keep the windows clear, as all our breathing was fogging them up.  It was a pretty uneventful ride and we got to Harborwalk Marina in Georgetown at 2:15.  We did the usual, Sandy washed the boat and I walked Parker and paid for the slip.  We took a short walk to get some pralines from this little candy store, Sandy likes pralines.

overcast day many beautiful natural stretches

We are reviewing our route to see if we have low spots to try to time the tide, we do know we have to have two bridges open for us on our way to Myrtle Beach tomorrow.  We are staying at Myrtle Beach for two nights as there is supposed to be some very nasty weather coming in.  We hope we get there before anything too interesting happens on Friday.  We are also hoping to see our friends, Tom and Pat while we are in Myrtle Beach, they live about 1/2 hour away but we will see!

Found on ground against lamppost 
Georgetown South Carolina

Tonight, we are probably going to catch an early dinner at a local, not fancy, restaurant. A quick shower before bed and get ready for another day on the boat.


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