Savannah, GA to Beaufort, SC

Stopped at Thunderbolt on way down,
interesting place, prefer Isle of Hope

 March 10, 2021

We left Savannah at 8:00 this morning, it is a beautiful morning and we have a great forecast. We could have left a few minutes earlier but we were talking to our neighbor who was just starting the great loop.  Quite a commitment, it generally takes a year.  We also  took a walk with Parker this morning to look at the houses again.  Sandy has his picked out.

frequently encounter commercial traffic

Beautiful day

We passed Thunderbolt Marine this morning, where we stayed last time.  Still a very impressive marina facility for massive ships.  This should be a fairly short day today setting up for a long one the next day.

Mixed use building - showers and laundry on right

Part of the planning of the trip is looking at the whole picture, although we really liked Lady's Island Marina in Beaufort, we could have gone further, but need to set up for the next day as well, and this stop makes more sense overall.

End of Face dock

We are making friends with the owner of Lady's Island Marina.  He was really nice last time we were there and stayed a few days and he carried ice down to the boat for Rosemary.  We were chatting again and he wants us to come to his house for dinner when we return post covid.  He is married with a young son even though he is Rosemary's age.  He and his family wanted to get back to the East Coast from California so he sold his apartment complex and bought the marina complex.  He thought his young son would be more impressed with a dad that owned a marina than a dad that owned an apartment complex!

Our neighbors on the docks were a 52 DeFever with an older couple and their dog, they seemed quite comfortable, a 50ish couple who had sold everything and were living on a old 37 foot Sea Ray and lastly a young couple with two children under 7 or 8 with two small dogs and a cat aboard a moderately sized sailboat.  There are all types of lives being lived on boats, especially since the pandemic.


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