Franklin Lock Campground to Pink Shell Marina Fort Meyers Beach


Rosemary got a great picture of the sunrise
this morning from the cockpit of the boat

Rosemary returning to the boat after taking
 a shower at the Pink Shell Marina, a couple
 of hours after arriving

I was taking a picture at the same time Rosemary 
took a picture, hers was much better

Morning walk with Parker
talking to the horses

We left the WP Franklin Campground this morning at 9:15.  Rosemary was anxious this morning about getting underway early.  There were many Slow zones for Manatees and when we could go fast we took our time because we didn't have far to go.

Key West Express leaves from Fort Meyers 
Beach, part of the reason we picked this as a jump off port

We picked up fuel at Fort Meyers City Municipal Marina - about 100 gallons, so we can start out for Key West with full tanks.  Pink Shell doesn't have fuel.  Crazy busy with boats near the end of our travel day.  Large and small and few exercising any courtesy, especially regarding their wake.  Doesn't bother us because of our displacement, annoying nonetheless.

3 hours later and a dolphin show in the river near Fort Meyers and we arrived to set up for the last leg to Key West.  About 145 miles - almost all in Gulf of Mexico.  Most of the time you are far from land and the land you are distant from is the Everglades, with very few resources.  Wednesday looks like a good window, you just have to plan accordingly and always have a plan B.  We leave early tomorrow morning(1/27/2021), see you in Key West!

                                               couldn't resist one more video of dolphins!


  1. I just love the bottle nosed dolphins! So playful and beautiful. The sunrise was pink cause you were stayed docked at the pink shell. How was it there? Arrival
    Tomorrow at a great marina. Enjoy the hog fish for me! Miss you guys. 😘 xo


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